Find your Wellbeing Mantra for 2025
Hola & Happy New Year!
How are you doing?
Since the New Year I have heard from clients, friends & family that they are feeling very thoughtful, tired, & / or emotional. It feels like an energetic fog is around affecting people. Physically or emotionally or mentally or spiritually & for some all four. Sometimes we think it's just us. However, I want you to know it's not. There are a lot of people feeling either off key or confused.
This is going to lift, it is lifting. Sometimes we get fog/ confusion & it helps us get crystal clear on our hearts desires. After confusion always comes great clarity. It feels like we are being given situations to fine tune what we actually want & what we are going to focus on. When we know what we don't want, we clearly know what we do want. Remember, we just need to see the next step, not the whole staircase.
I pulled an IET card for all of us & it was Angel Cassiel blessing us with Peace. She works with the cellular memories we hold in our heart. Helping us let go of disappointment & pain in exchange for Love, Peace & Grace.
Today I have my Integrated Energy Therapy Online Session. The theme is DETOX of all aspects of us. However, if there is something pressing going on with you. You can bring that intention to the healing to receive support & healing energies to help you. You can book it here.
On a fun note - Word Searches. I love doing these. So I decided to make my own. The first 3 words you see are your Mantra for 2025.
Take a deep breath & come to your heart. Close your eyes, breathe in calm & breathe out a smile. Open your eyes & find your mantra for 2025! Have fun, you are doing great & be gentle with your special self.
Love & Light
Carla xx